Words Matter take two

The last post I wrote about the words we say to others and those are important and impactful, but for this post I want to write about the words we speak to ourselves…  These can really change the landscape of your life… Either for the good or for the bad…  Somethings we tell ourselves we wouldn’t even imagine saying to another but yet we think its okay to speak these things to ourselves.  What we sow we shall surely reap and that especially goes for the words we speak to ourselves..

Saying negative things and get negative results.. Say positive things and get positive results..  Now I know this just seem too simple and corny but it really works.  Now that doesn’t me we can just say things and they happen but it truly is amazing how we accomplish so much more and feel so much better if we say encouraging and positive words to ourselves…

Try just for a day noticing how you speak to yourself, try to be aware of the things your saying and make a mental note or write it in a note book.  Then at the end of the day do an evaluation of it and see how you are doing, you may be surprised.  Now just in the morning try to change and say only encouraging and kind words to yourself and see how you feel and how you day turns out..   Did it feel any different?  Did things turn out the way you thought?

Now you decide was it worth it, are you going to “Take it, or let it go”.  Thank you for stopping by and until next time TTFN..

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