Words Matter

I saw these words on someones shirt in yoga the other day..  Have you ever thought about the words you use when you speak to others?  What about the words you use when you speak to yourself??  Now I know what you thinking I don’t speak to myself only crazy homeless people do that I seen them on the streets downtown..  Well actually we all do!!  Some of us just don’t move our lips when we do it…  And its okay if you don’t want to admit it remember the name of my website, Take it or let it go, so just let it go and I will see you next time…. But for those of you know what I am talking about… WOW sometimes those words are loud, I mean really loud…   Its what kept me from this blog for so long..

We could probably talk about this topic for a really long time, actually till the end of time and still not cover everything there is to cover…  But for this visit lets talk about those words we use when speak to others.  Are we using encouraging words, are we building others up?  Or are we using words that are tearing others down, causing them pain and grief?  Many times when we do the latter its because we have been hurt ourselves or we have not dealt with a past issue that keeps use from being mindful of how we are effecting others..  I know there could be countless other reasons for us lashing out to others but maybe for today lets just try to think about the words we are using towards others and “‘Do unto others as you would have done unto you” or however that saying goes.  Just think before you speak, and ask yourself is that how I would want another to speak to me..

For now thats all I got, thanks for stopping by and feel free to leave a comment..   Hope you enjoy your day…


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