
Sight a word that we probably don’t think of much unless your vision is impaired for some reason.  As in you wear glasses for any reason at all.  For me its started about the age 45 or 50 I can’t really remember, but I started to notice that while reading I couldn’t quite see the same as I use to.  I didn’t notice it all at once tho it just gradually got more difficult to read things.  And for me being who I am, I didn’t say anything I just tried to push thru and not let anyone know..  Now this sometimes created some situations that were a little uncomfortable as you can imagine because when you need to read something and you can quite make out the words you try guessing and sometimes that doesn’t go really well…

Then I noticed one time when I was holding the phone up to my wife’s face for her to see something on my phone she pushed it away and said it was too close for her to read..  Awe she was experiencing the same thing as me and she hadn’t said anything either…  Now that made for a funny conversation of us both confessing out shortcomings.  Awhile after this conversation I had realized something, I had lost a vision God had given about writing this book. 

There are quite a few verses in the bible that speak about the blind being healed.  Luke 18:35-43, this blind man was cried out to Jesus and he received his sight.  Have I lost my sight for the things above and don’t even know it?  I know when I first became a believer in God I had this clear vision of who He was and that I could go to Him for all things, has that diminished.  Have the words I have been using caused my sight to go dim.  I have notice with my natural vision that if it is brighter in the room I can make out the word even without my reading glasses.  Has my sight for God gotten dim because I have gradually stopped looking to the light?  Has events in your life, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, sickness, the pandemic, or even the social events of the world cause me to loss my sight of God or a vision He has given you.  Have I been focused on these issues instead of looking to Him?  Have you been repeating these words from these event over and over again until it’s caused you to only see and think on them?  Familiarity in our lives is how we can get so comfortable in our lives that we are not willing to see the possibilities around us.  It blocks our faith.  We can only see what we are familiar with that we cannot see the new, our sight is clouded with the past, not even aware of what is happening now. 

The good news is that we can call out to God as this man in the bible verse mentioned above did and we can to receive your sight again.  Now you may not have your natural sight restored, but you can have your heavenly sight restored.  God can and will if you ask and have faith that He can restore that sight that you once had as a child.  It says in Luke 18:42, his faith has made him well.  Yours can do the same.  I want God to restore my sight so I can have a clear vision of Him and not allow these events in the world or in my life change the story He wants me to share with the world.  Be brave and cry out to God to restore our sight so we can make an impact in this world together.

Well again, thanks so so much for stopping by we really I mean really appreciate your time. So now we ask, are you going to….. Take it or let it go? Hope you have aTERRIFIC day and fill your world with kindness… TTFN #peacelovekindness #lifeisgood #bettereveryday

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