James 1:22 says “But be doers of the word, not hears only, deceiving yourselves.”
This word Action is the cornerstone of accomplishing anything. If we never act on any of our words we speak nothing will ever happen. Its so easy to just say things and then never do them because of fear, thinking we are unable to do them, or even just plain laziness. Well if no movement towards the things you say, nothing will happen.
During the pandemic I attended Tony Robbins first ever virtual UPW event. Wow was that a event to remember, it’s about 12 hrs per day of intense learning and movement. It was my first introduction to Tony Robbins, I seen him in a movie and heard a little about him but never experienced any of his teachings. The best way for me to explain it is INTENSE… But very powerful too. I had just never looked at things the way Tony was explaining them, I have never even thought of learning the way he does. See Tony likes to learn and teach things as fast as he can, not to waste anytime, just get it done and start using what he learn as soon as possible even before he has completed the training or learning of that which he is studying. He believes in taking massive action… Action is a great way to overcome fear and get better at what you are trying to do.. This was my biggest takeaway, now there is so much more to it and I highly recommend you try it.
Now action for me was a something I felt I was put good at, I mean I had always been one who hasn’t ran away from work or getting something done that has needed to be, but I have noticed that those things I am a doer of are the things I am already good at… I find for myself action doesn’t happen when I feel I am not good at whatever it is I am to do. Action takes a backseat to fear. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. For me this is an area where I tend to live in especially if it is something I am uncomfortable at. Now as the acronym says its false evidence because I am uncomfortable with it mostly because I haven’t done these items at all or enough to get comfortable with them. It doesn’t mean I cannot get comfortable or even good at these things if I do or even try them. I mean we are not good at anything when we first start, even as a baby starting to walk, we fall many times before we walk and now we do it with out thinking or even fearing we will fall. But it took lots of practice and time. We over came this fear with action…
What words have you been using lately that have just been that. Words and not actions. I am not saying you should act on everything you think or say that is for a whole other book, but what kind and loving words are you using that you are not doing? As for me, I have caught myself as I said in chapter 2 not giving praise or compliments when I think of them. Lets be brave together and put into action “Love thy neighbor”.