Galatians 6:10 ”As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men,”
Opportunities to say the right thing or say a word of encouragement come and go all the time and do we take advantage of it or just let it pass by and ignore this prompting. Or are you like me and I let fear stop me from blessing another. I let these opportunities slip away time after time because I am so fearful of what others will think of me or take my words the wrong way. Sometimes these opportunities are a prompting from above, opportunities that can are put in our path not just to help another but to also help us grow.
It says in. Colossians 4:5 NIV “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.” these are times where we can choose to encourage others with our words or our actions and sometimes that maybe the only encouragement or vision of Christ that these people see. But it is so easy at these times of opportunity that we just feel that we are not that kind of person; don’t have the right words to say; we are embarrassed that we may say the wrong thing; or the big one, we are afraid… This opportunity wouldn’t have come to you if it wasn’t for you. We are giving opportunities so that we can encourage or help another with our talents and gifts. God believes in us and has given us these talents and gifts so we use them to glorify Him not hide them or keep them to ourselves.
That’s what it means in Mathew 25:22-28 KJV where the one who had two talents increased his by using them and the one man with one talent hid his and was called a vs. 26 “a wicked and slothful servant”. We don’t want to get to the end of our lives and realize that’s what we have become because of our fear or some other reason. We must be brave and step out on faith believing we can do this, we have what it take in us.. And with Gods help all things are possible..
Well again, thanks so so much for stopping by we really I mean really appreciate your time. So now we ask, are you going to….. Take it or let it go? Hope you have a TERRIFIC day and show kindness to all.. TTFN