Now here is word we may or may not hear a lot but a word that really needs to rule this world.. It contains a lot of power and is many times use carelessly. I am sure that this post won’t even scratch the surface of the meaning this word has to many of us but I thought I would get us thinking about it again. Listening and looking around the world today you can see that maybe this word is not being thought of very much. So it’s exactly why I wanted to post about it.
You see what we focus on is what we see, or where our focus is that is where we flow. Another way to put it is, what we feed thrives. If all we are talking, listening, watching, and scrolling thru is the negative, hurtful, scary things in this world that is what we are going to see and it is going to rule our lives. Now I am not suggesting we don’t read or listen to what you feel is necessary to have knowledge in these areas of your life but we don’t need to emerge ourselves so deep that it consumes our every thought and action..
Now you can chose to change this anytime you like. You are right now changing it because you are reading about the word love.. And that is the goal of this post to get us thinking about Love instead of all the scary, hurtful, negative things in this world. So take sometime to think on who, or what you love, or even where you love to be and let this be your focus and allow it to put a smile on you face. And who knows maybe just by doing this you inspire another and your smile will become contagious..
So this is it again.. Will you?? Take it or let it go? Thanks again for your time, we really do want world peace and we appreciate you… TTFN..