
I should think of this title each time I open my month, unfortunately I don’t always do that… I find myself speaking before I think, many times I feel like I should prove my point and even sometimes in a hurry before the other person even finishes speaking I open my mouth and interrupt that person just so I can make my point… Not proud of these moments but those are the times where I really need to be aware of my words… And my ego…

In the book of Proverbs it say: Vs. 15:4 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stirs up anger”; Vs. 18:4 “The words of a man’s mouth are life-giving waters”; Joyce Meyer wrote, “Words are containers for power, you choose what kind of power they carry.”; Robin Sharma says, “Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.” Now this is some good wisdom and advice.

We have a choice each time we open our mouths, we can use our words to give life or we can use them to tear each other down and cause lots of pain. Its seems like in the world today we are seeing a lot of pain and suffering not necessarily because of words but I do think we could really help the situation if we started even in our little circle of influence, being aware and striving to use kinder words. We could see a change and maybe help another.

Well once again, its that time… Will you ‘Take it or let it go?’ its up to you to decide, either way we thank you for your time we know just how precious it is and don’t take it lightly that you spent some of it here, and once again that is for a whole other post, but thanks for stopping.. Have a TERRIFIC day.. TTFN

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