Courage is the ability to do something that frightens you… Well now isn’t that interesting.. We could say that this is the opposite of fear, but I ain’t no english major or even in many things not much smarter than a fifth grader but I feel it is so.
There are many places in the bible where it says “be strong and courageous”. This seems like such a simple instruction but let me tell you it isn’t always easy. It takes practice to be courageous and it doesn’t come natural, actually it feel like to me that fear comes more naturally…
Like all things in life what we feed thrives. What we starves dies. So we must be feeding this muscle called courage. Yes its a muscle something you can strengthen when fed on a regular basis. Feeding courage is actually quite easy. You can start right now. It’s as easy as having the courage not to eat that extra cookie, or to not use those unkind words. Theses are little things, but if you exercise them daily you will notice that they become a little easier over time. You are actually building that muscle. And if you keep at it, you will be able to make it stronger. Once strengthened you will be able to take on bigger challenges in you life.
Now I know what you may be thinking, thats not courage its self discipline and some would say you are right. But those two hang around together all the time and we all know you eventually become those you associate with. And that is for a whole other post. But I must ask what do you think, can courage be strengthen by these little changes. Can this new found courage become contagious?
So it is that time in the post when I say… Are you going to ‘Take it or let it go’ its up to you, you decide and thanks again for stopping by and checking out our blog. Enjoy your day and please come by again… TTFN – Mark