Hello! An Introduction Is In Order…

Good Morning. I am Guy Easy Herr. Its time for me to come up on the net!

I figured it best to do a quick introduction of myself in the forum as we get started on this new journey. In all actuality, this journey has been going for some 46 plus years, only I’ve just now come to this post. After much professional procrastination and a self induced anti-technology writers block, the time has come where my pen comes to paper/my pointer finger comes to key.

One day not long ago, I opened my eyes again for the first time with a new awareness of self and the world around me, each moment bringing a new clarity and renewed purpose. It wasn’t from my bed nor a foxhole carved of the earth. No. I came back to the world in a pool of my own sweat on a yoga mat. Oh, this is different. Very different!

I’m excited for this platform and the opportunity to share with everyone the lessons and adventures of this journey. For this I am also blessed. Thank You.

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