Words can hurt sometimes

We speak many words on any given day. Research shows between 7000 to 20,000 words are spoken per day. Now that is a lot of words, of course many of those are probably repeats. But that is still a LOT of words… Sometimes tho I bet we don’t even realize those words can be hurtful and maybe we even meant for them to be useful…

Its so hard to know how others are going to react to the words we use trying to express the things we want to share, especially with all that is going on in the world to day…

Most of the time I think people are just trying to share their opinion a given topic and feel like they can be of help to us, but because we are all different and maybe even come from different country those words may touch them in the wrong way. Now I’m not suggesting that you walk on egg shells when speaking, I’m just suggesting that you think a little before you speak.

In yoga theology there is a characterisic called Ahimsa, which in its simplest definition means non-violence. Now maybe that is something you can think of before you speak to another, and of course is what your saying truthful. But please remember sometimes the truth is very hurtful so maybe try to use those words in a way that it will not harm the other person.

Once again thanks so much for stopping by, leave a comment if you feel like it and stop by again and check us out…

Now you decide was it worth it, are you going to “Take it, or let it go”.  And until next time TTFN..

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