
Words are a powerful thing, said or unsaid they can build up a person to accomplish or live out there dreams or they can ruin a persons life and cause them to spiral down a pit that they just cannot get out of.

We use words all time without thinking of the consequences not even understanding that it is effecting someone’s lives.  We say hurtful things that sometimes can stay with a person for a life time.  We use words sometimes in what we call a playful way that really hurts a persons feelings.  We even use cuss words around like they are funny or don’t mean a thing.  Words leave a trail that many times leave a impression that sometimes lasts a lifetime.

I find many times when I am asked a simple question I go off and use some very hurtful and unnecessary words that really negatively effect the situation and people around me.  It seem like we feel that the words we say don’t really mean anything.  We couldn’t be further from the truth.   

Proverbs 18:4 “The words of the mouth are deep waters”

Well now doesn’t this feel deep or at least make you think deeper.  I’m sure we have all experienced this haven’t we.  Maybe a time or two we have said something that got us into a situation that maybe we could have avoided if we would have kept peace or words to ourselves.

Proverbs 15:1 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh words stirs up anger”

And this one really hit home to I bet, well it does for me.  Sometimes I try to use harsh words like a joke to make the people I’m around think I’m being funny which I’m really not I’m just trying to hid behind those words.

Proverbs 18:21      “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”

This sums it up really, we have so much power in the words we say.  We can give life or cause so much pain that it can cause someone to want to end their lives.  Now I knew these are the extremes.  But words really do effect others at varying degrees depending on what has happened to them today or in their past.  We must be careful and choose our words wisely.  Trying to be more careful and think before we speak is something I’ve been working on for myself.

Well again, thanks so so much for stopping by we really appreciate your time and thoughtfulness. So now we ask, are you going to….. Take it or let it go? Hope your day is TERRIFIC and be kind to others.. TTFN

Don’t Settle

Heard this today on a sermon from Hope City Church out of Houston, Texas and could stop thinking about it. One of the definitions in Websters dictionary is: to become fixed, resolved, or established. Now one would think this is a good thing in terms of the bible message and in may aspects of life in general. But the message was about not settling for medicrity after this pandemic. God has some much more for us..

What have we settled for this past year? Where we are at in work or school, your marriage, your learning? Are we doing the best that we can do? Or are we just doing enough? Did the pandemic slow us or stop us from our growth in some areas of our life? Or did we grow and now are ready to move forward? I’m still working thru this myself but Its something to think about…

Well again, thanks so so much for stopping by we really I mean really appreciate your time. So now we ask, are you going to….. Take it or let it go? Hope your day is TERRIFIC and be kind to others.. TTFN


I have several times wrote about how our words matter and that is certainly true. Not to mention they can change your life. To go along with this we must have belief in what we are saying.. Its one thing to want to change something in your life, but if we are just saying the words without conviction and passion these changes will not happen.. Belief is the power behind the words that makes them produce the results you are looking for… Just something to think about..

Well again, thanks so so much for stopping by we really I mean really appreciate your time. So now we ask, are you going to….. Take it or let it go? Hope your day is TERRIFIC and be kind to others.. TTFN

Hold that thought

Heard this phrase yesterday and it really got me thinking.. It seems for me as I get older I many times loose a thought I had even in the middle of a conversation. So this phrase got me thinking. Why can’t I hold that thought? Now I know what some people would say that is normal, but is it??? I have discovered by asking others that its not just me and its people of all ages.. So why can’t we Hold that thought???

Well for starters we have so many distractions, I mean most of us carry a computer in our pocket and that thing seems to make a sound or vibration all the time.. There is also a television almost every where you go and it seems to be always on a news, talk show, or sports.. Now I am not saying that any of this is bad.. I am just saying it could be a small distraction, or a big one… What do you think? Maybe that is why we have more difficulty holding our thoughts? Its something to think about…

Well again, thanks so so much for stopping by we really I mean really appreciate your time. So now we ask, are you going to….. Take it or let it go? Hope your day is TERRIFIC and be kind to others.. TTFN

Words matter still

Words shape our lives especially the ones we are thinking… Being consciences of the words we are saying is one thing and very important for us. So much so in this day and age with all the social media outlets. But words we think are the ones we really need to be careful with…

As a man thinks, so is his heart… This goes for all humans. What we are thinking, in other words, what we are saying to ourselves matters the most. It is what our brain tries to create… Now I am no doctor or scientist but there are many books and papers written about this and that’s what the consensus is… I am just speaking from my own experience.

You can find what you speak about even to your self. Have you ever noticed that if you purchase anything all of a sudden it seems that everyone has the same thing you just purchased.. Thats not the case tho, its just that you were made aware of that item whatever it was. Thats how the brain works, once you are speaking those things your brain works to find them… So its the same with all the words you are saying.. Let that sink in…

So I ask, what are you saying to yourself?… Thats it for this time, I like to keep them short and hopefully sweet.. Thanks for your time and attention we do appreciate you and your time.. Will you, Take it or let it go? You choose and either way thanks, please stop by again.. Until next time… TTFN


Now here is a word that should be easy to write about… It just depends on your perspective of what you are talking about.. Let me explain in a little story. I have been doing construction for lets just say a few years in my life. So when someone asks me about a DIY construction project of any kind my response is of course, that’s easy! Now to the person asking me they have a whole different take otherwise they wouldn’t be asking me… Da!

What I am trying to show here in the above example is something easy to one person may not be easy to another. It depends on your experiences in your life. Now I know for my self sometimes this is an area where I get easily frustrated with another because to me those things are easy.. I guess I need a little more patience.. Now I know what you are thinking.. That’s easy!!! Just not for me yet, its a practice.

Well that is all I got for now, so will you, Take it or let it go? As always we thank you for your time we know its precious. Until next time TTFN!!!


Now here is word we may or may not hear a lot but a word that really needs to rule this world.. It contains a lot of power and is many times use carelessly. I am sure that this post won’t even scratch the surface of the meaning this word has to many of us but I thought I would get us thinking about it again. Listening and looking around the world today you can see that maybe this word is not being thought of very much. So it’s exactly why I wanted to post about it.

You see what we focus on is what we see, or where our focus is that is where we flow. Another way to put it is, what we feed thrives. If all we are talking, listening, watching, and scrolling thru is the negative, hurtful, scary things in this world that is what we are going to see and it is going to rule our lives. Now I am not suggesting we don’t read or listen to what you feel is necessary to have knowledge in these areas of your life but we don’t need to emerge ourselves so deep that it consumes our every thought and action..

Now you can chose to change this anytime you like. You are right now changing it because you are reading about the word love.. And that is the goal of this post to get us thinking about Love instead of all the scary, hurtful, negative things in this world. So take sometime to think on who, or what you love, or even where you love to be and let this be your focus and allow it to put a smile on you face. And who knows maybe just by doing this you inspire another and your smile will become contagious..

So this is it again.. Will you?? Take it or let it go? Thanks again for your time, we really do want world peace and we appreciate you… TTFN..


The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. This is one of those words we need to focus on more often. I could help but think of this word today because it would have been my mother-in-laws birthday. She passed just over 3 years ago and we still miss her each and everyday. I am so thankful for all the love she poured into our family not to mention the fact that her only child is my beautiful wife of 34 years and she was a wonderful grandmother to our 3 children. I could go on for many days writing about all the wonderful gifts that she has left just for me and I haven’t even start writing about all the wonderful things she left for the rest of my family, but I think you get the point. I really could use some man dry..

Gratitude is a muscle that needs to be flexed on a daily basis. I am so thankful for the times that I am reminded to be grateful because it is so easy to get busy with living, working, providing for our loved ones or ourselves that we forget to be grateful.

There are so many things in this world to be thankful we just need to start looking for them each and everyday. Practice this and it alone will change your whole view on your work, school, significant other, children, and life. Each morning upon rising just think of a few things you are grateful for and write them down or even just say them to yourself, it may surprise you how it will make you feel.. Give it a try it may become contagious..

Thanks again for checking out this site and will you? Take it or let it go? Either way we hope you enjoyed your visit and stop by again. Until next time TTFN…


Our most precious commodity. Are we always aware of it? Do we realize how precious it really is? These are some of the questions that come to my mind when I think of it but many times I don’t think about it… I just live in it allowing it to keep on passing… Not that this is a bad thing we were born to live but if we are not careful our time will be over and we may have some regrets or unspoken words to someone you care about…

This post is not meant to scare anyone, it’s just to make you and myself more aware of time. There is only 24 hours in a day, what are doing with it? Is it all you are wanting to do? Or is it slipping by and you are not doing the things you want. Time keeps ticking, even now as I write this and you are reading it is ticking. So how are you spending your time?

Now I’m not here to tell you I have all the answers or even do I think I do, but I was wanting you to think about it. Be aware of time and how it just keeps passing by and make time for the people and things you love. And don’t look back or look too far forward, and worry about all the time that is past or not here yet. The past is gone and the future isn’t here yet. You can only take care of the present… So enjoy this moment…

Here I go again, its that time.. You decide are you going to, ‘Take it or let it go?’ I thank you so much for your time and acknowledge that you spent it here. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it… Please share this with another if you like and spend some of your time with someone you love, you deserve it.. Have a GLORIOUS day.. TTFN


I should think of this title each time I open my month, unfortunately I don’t always do that… I find myself speaking before I think, many times I feel like I should prove my point and even sometimes in a hurry before the other person even finishes speaking I open my mouth and interrupt that person just so I can make my point… Not proud of these moments but those are the times where I really need to be aware of my words… And my ego…

In the book of Proverbs it say: Vs. 15:4 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stirs up anger”; Vs. 18:4 “The words of a man’s mouth are life-giving waters”; Joyce Meyer wrote, “Words are containers for power, you choose what kind of power they carry.”; Robin Sharma says, “Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.” Now this is some good wisdom and advice.

We have a choice each time we open our mouths, we can use our words to give life or we can use them to tear each other down and cause lots of pain. Its seems like in the world today we are seeing a lot of pain and suffering not necessarily because of words but I do think we could really help the situation if we started even in our little circle of influence, being aware and striving to use kinder words. We could see a change and maybe help another.

Well once again, its that time… Will you ‘Take it or let it go?’ its up to you to decide, either way we thank you for your time we know just how precious it is and don’t take it lightly that you spent some of it here, and once again that is for a whole other post, but thanks for stopping.. Have a TERRIFIC day.. TTFN