
Multiply a word that we only think of when we are doing math equations, but it is a Godly word that He wants us to think of on a daily basis.  A parable in Mathew 25:22-28, Jesus talks about a master that leaves his talents with some servants for them to take care of for him, after he returns, he check in on them for a report of how they did and the ones that increased (multiplied) what was left to them were called good and faithful servants.  Wow multiply isn’t just for math, it’s for our faith and service.  Now I must tell you this was a real eye opener for me because I really like math and really understand multiplication from that stand point, but in the spiritual realm it is new to me.  Now God has been showing me somethings lately about this.

I have been working with my family for quite awhile and have really learned a lot about what we do.  My father took me under his wing and showed me how to be successful in the business we are in, now I am not saying I was able to learn and do all things that my father did to make the business a success, but he did share with me some of his talent.  I have recently taken over the business and and trying to follow in my fathers footsteps but as I mentioned in one of the other chapters I was made aware of my sight being dimmed or clouded. This is one of the big areas that I was made aware of it.  I have been trying to just float along not even realizing I had been doing it.  No increase..  In the parable above, I didn’t mention about the one servant that didn’t increase..  He was called a ‘wicked and slothful servant’.  He hadn’t lost any of the talent, but he didn’t increase it either..  Now that was quite an eyeopener, I was made aware I hadn’t been working for increase.

Good thing is I still have time, and God is a graceful, patient and loving God.  In Phillippians 3:13 ‘forgetting those things that are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before’.  I am working on moving forward, not looking back and working towards using these things that I have learned from my father working for an increase so I can be a faithful servant.

So what is it that you do?  Have you been drifting, floating, or just getting by not giving your all?  Maybe you’re feeling extra stressed because these are difficult times or something terrible has happened in your life. What areas in your life can you work for an increase.  Please remember God is not expecting you to do this on your own, He is their for you anytime. You just need to ask..  Let’s be brave together and ask God for anything we feel we need to help us multiply.

 Reflect and Call to action:

Reflect on where drifting, floating, or procrastination has happened in your life?  Think about what’s one thing you can do to start moving forward. Set a time when you can start doing that one thing towards multiplying in this area of your life. And then, Just do it…

Well again, thanks so so much for stopping by we really I mean really appreciate your time. So now we ask, are you going to….. Take it or let it go? Hope you have aTERRIFIC day and fill your world with kindness… TTFN #peacelovekindness #lifeisgood #bettereveryday


James 1:22 says “But be doers of the word, not hears only, deceiving yourselves.”

This word Action is the cornerstone of accomplishing anything.  If we never act on any of our words we speak nothing will ever happen.   Its so easy to just say things and then never do them because of fear, thinking we are unable to do them, or even just plain laziness.  Well if no movement towards the things you say, nothing will happen.

During the pandemic I attended Tony Robbins first ever virtual UPW event.  Wow was that a event to remember, it’s about 12 hrs per day of intense learning and movement.  It was my first introduction to Tony Robbins, I seen him in a movie and heard a little about him but never experienced any of his teachings.  The best way for me to explain it is INTENSE…  But very powerful too.  I had just never looked at things the way Tony was explaining them, I have never even thought of learning the way he does.  See Tony likes to learn and teach things as fast as he can, not to waste anytime, just get it done and start using what he learn as soon as possible even before he has completed the training or learning of that which he is studying.  He believes in taking massive action…  Action is a great way to overcome fear and get better at what you are trying to do..  This was my biggest takeaway, now there is so much more to it and I highly recommend you try it.

Now action for me was a something I felt I was put good at, I mean I had always been one who hasn’t ran away from work or getting something done that has needed to be, but I have noticed that those things I am a doer of are the things I am already good at… I find for myself action doesn’t happen when I feel I am not good at whatever it is I am to do.  Action takes a backseat to fear.  Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.  For me this is an area where I tend to live in especially if it is something I am uncomfortable at.  Now as the acronym says its false evidence because I am uncomfortable with it mostly because I haven’t done these items at all or enough to get comfortable with them.  It doesn’t mean I cannot get comfortable or even good at these things if I do or even try them.  I mean we are not good at anything when we first start, even as a baby starting to walk, we fall many times before we walk and now we do it with out thinking or even fearing we will fall.  But it took lots of practice and time.  We over came this fear with action…

What words have you been using lately that have just been that.  Words and not actions.  I am not saying you should act on everything you think or say that is for a whole other book, but what kind and loving words are you using that you are not doing?  As for me, I have caught myself as I said in chapter 2 not giving praise or compliments when I think of them.  Lets be brave together and put into action “Love thy neighbor”.


Galatians 6:10 ”As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men,”

Opportunities to say the right thing or say a word of encouragement come and go all the time and do we take advantage of it or just let it pass by and ignore this prompting.  Or are you like me and I let fear stop me from blessing another.  I let these opportunities slip away time after time because I am so fearful of what others will think of me or take my words the wrong way.  Sometimes these opportunities are a prompting from above, opportunities that can are put in our path not just to help another but to also help us grow.  

 It says in. Colossians 4:5 NIV  “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.” these are times where we can choose to encourage others with our words or our actions and sometimes that maybe the only encouragement or vision of Christ that these people see.  But it is so easy at these times of opportunity that we just feel that we are not that kind of person; don’t have the right words to say; we are embarrassed that we may say the wrong thing; or the big one, we are afraid…  This opportunity wouldn’t have come to you if it wasn’t for you.  We are giving opportunities so that we can encourage or help another with our talents and gifts.  God believes in us and has given us these talents and gifts so we use them to glorify Him not hide them or keep them to ourselves.  

That’s what it means in Mathew 25:22-28 KJV where the one who had two talents increased his by using them and the one man with one talent hid his and was called a vs. 26 “a wicked and slothful servant”.  We don’t want to get to the end of our lives and realize that’s what we have become because of our fear or some other reason.  We must be brave and step out on faith believing we can do this, we have what it take in us.. And with Gods help all things are possible..

Well again, thanks so so much for stopping by we really I mean really appreciate your time. So now we ask, are you going to….. Take it or let it go? Hope you have a TERRIFIC day and show kindness to all.. TTFN


Words are a powerful thing, said or unsaid they can build up a person to accomplish or live out there dreams or they can ruin a persons life and cause them to spiral down a pit that they just cannot get out of.

We use words all time without thinking of the consequences not even understanding that it is effecting someone’s lives.  We say hurtful things that sometimes can stay with a person for a life time.  We use words sometimes in what we call a playful way that really hurts a persons feelings.  We even use cuss words around like they are funny or don’t mean a thing.  Words leave a trail that many times leave a impression that sometimes lasts a lifetime.

I find many times when I am asked a simple question I go off and use some very hurtful and unnecessary words that really negatively effect the situation and people around me.  It seem like we feel that the words we say don’t really mean anything.  We couldn’t be further from the truth.   

Proverbs 18:4 “The words of the mouth are deep waters”

Well now doesn’t this feel deep or at least make you think deeper.  I’m sure we have all experienced this haven’t we.  Maybe a time or two we have said something that got us into a situation that maybe we could have avoided if we would have kept peace or words to ourselves.

Proverbs 15:1 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh words stirs up anger”

And this one really hit home to I bet, well it does for me.  Sometimes I try to use harsh words like a joke to make the people I’m around think I’m being funny which I’m really not I’m just trying to hid behind those words.

Proverbs 18:21      “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”

This sums it up really, we have so much power in the words we say.  We can give life or cause so much pain that it can cause someone to want to end their lives.  Now I knew these are the extremes.  But words really do effect others at varying degrees depending on what has happened to them today or in their past.  We must be careful and choose our words wisely.  Trying to be more careful and think before we speak is something I’ve been working on for myself.

Well again, thanks so so much for stopping by we really appreciate your time and thoughtfulness. So now we ask, are you going to….. Take it or let it go? Hope your day is TERRIFIC and be kind to others.. TTFN